Friday, October 23, 2009


Where the Wild Things Are

It's rather difficult to translate a beloved children's book onto the big screen. Spike Jonze, a noted director worked closely with the author, Maurice Sendak in bringing the book to life. I loved the film, however I do think the movie is not for kids, as much as its about being a kid.

Sunday, October 18, 2009



Concept: Expresses evolutionary elements in Type and Design; A magazine for Typophiles. A fun look at how type interacts with content to communicate a specific message; in context of entertainment, advertising, literature, magazine, photography, newspaper and art. It's different in that it covers all tenses and applications of type; the contents of the magazine would be very eclectic.

Readers: Ages 20-40, males and females, any ethnicity and any income range. Similar interests would be graphic design, crafts, art, adverting, academia, journalism and design.

Competition: Baseline, Juxtapoz and Tripwire magazine.

Five Advertisers: local venues such as galleries, music halls, craft fairs, independent boutiques, design firms and art supply shops. As well as Independent publishers maybe IFC and indiewire.

Five Articles: "the Printing Press" " Type in the Digital Age" "Type and Advertising" "Helvetica" "Type is Ubiquitous"

Cover: Minimal. The cover will have the first issue in a manila folder partially out, with only the heading of the magazine showing. Color highlights on the header and manila closure.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Touching From a Distance. A painstaking biography of the late Ian Curtis of Joy Division. Ian Curtis spearheaded the post-punk movement, introducing new wave to the Manchester scene in 76'. Performing was his all-consuming passion which eventually lead to his self destruction. Ian Curtis committed suicide before his first U.S. tour in 1980, leaving his wife and daughter of one year behind. This was insight into the lifestyle of how it is to live fast and die young. He struggled with the duality that is family life and the success of being a performer. One of my favorites indeed.

The Omnivore's Dilemma. A friend who is completing her dissertation on nutrition's involvement in mass media, recommended this book. It's a cursory glance of our unhealthy relationship with food and the rational consumers use. The author examines both macro and micro factors that involve our food production system. Categorically, as consumers we participate in either industrial, large-scale organic, local, and personal (hunted-gathered) food chains. Upon reading this book, I don't feel as powerless as before and to take it one step further, I do recommend watching FOOD INC. You'll be surprised of what kind of relationship you have with food.

Unaccustomed Earth. I found this book through The New Yorker. It's from the same author of The Namesake, which was adapted into a feature film in 2006. This book is a series of short stories by transplant families from India. There were many difficulties facing the new generation, most importantly integrating strong cultural values with their own distinctiveness. A shift in cultural values occurred, family unity became less important as education and personal success took lead. Most of the narrators in the book experienced isolation and a profound loneliness before finally acclimating. This book's great, it's an easy read and has strong narratives.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Media Impact

In the past year I must have seen dozens of magazines vanish off the shelves. Major publishing houses have experienced a record drop in sales figures and have been forced to shut down. Is print media on it's way out? Will it join the ranks of CD's, cassette tapes and records? Applied research and random sampling will help etch the way to better understanding this phenomenon. Random sampling would provide statistics and insight into the usage and consumption of print media per household. Furthermore, applied research would gauge the sales of magazines as well as new and existing publications. I predict that I would indeed find a rapid decline in print media as well as a shift in medium usage. However, as the market rebounds I would hope to find print media regain momentum and recover it's appeal through new marketing. Understanding the decline of print media is in correlation with the decline of the market, print media will remain a fixture amongst rivaling mediums.